
European Congress on Fertility awareness-based Methods

Irish College Leuven, Belgium
Friday, November 15th 2024

Please register using the form on this page, then confirm your registration by transferring the registration fee to:
vzw NFP-Vlaanderen, 3090 Overijse,
IBAN: BE98 9793 8127 7093, BIC: ARSPBE22,
with reference “name, congress 2024“.

We look forward to seeing you!

Submission of abstracts for lectures and poster presentations
Deadline: March 31st, 2024

Registration fees

before / after June 30th 2024*

Medical doctors € 150  / € 200
Midwives € 90  / € 120
Educators € 90  / € 120
NFP teachers € 80  / € 100
Students  € 50  / € 70
Accepted abstracts free

* on site only cash, no credit cards are accepted

    I hereby confirm my registration for the European Congress on Fertility awareness-based Methods in Leuven on November 15th 2024.
    Please find my details below.

    I will transfer the registration fee to:
    vzw NFP-Vlaanderen, 3090 Overijse,
    IBAN: BE98 9793 8127 7093, BIC: ARSPBE22,
    with reference "name, congress 2024".


    Here are a few suggestions for hotels in the proximity of the congress venue that offer special rates for participants at the event. (limited number of reserved rooms). Please use the instructions in the registration forms you find linked below.


    Hieronder vind je enkele suggesties voor hotels in de nabijheid die speciale tarieven hanteren voor deelnemers aan het congres (beperkt aantal kamers beschikbaar). Gebruik de instructies en de formulieren in de links hieronder om te reserveren.


    Heb je een vraag? Aarzel niet om ons te contacteren! Om een consultatiereeks te boeken, gebruik het formulier op de contactpagina.

    9 + 3 =


    NFP-Vlaanderen vzw

    Ondernemingsnummer 0430 787 391
    IBAN: BE98 9793 8127 7093
    vzw NFP-Vlaanderen, 3090 Overijse



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