Fertility awareness: back to basics
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European Congress on Fertility awareness-based Methods
Irish College Leuven, Belgium
Friday, November 15th 2024
In 2008, NFP-Vlaanderen organized a successful European Congress on Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) in Antwerp, with the collaboration of several Flemish Universities.
Meanwhile, the world is not standing still and times have changed. In Europe, public opinion is becoming more aware of the sympto-thermal method Sensiplan. Women and couples have a growing interest in taking natural fertility back into their own hands. Besides strict medical aspects, there is a perceived psychosocial need for more specific information about fertility and its management. New perspectives concerning their fertile years can help couples strive for a more holistic approach to the autonomous decision-making process of family planning.
The European Congress on Fertility Awareness-based Methods, organized by NFP-Vlaanderen and the German ‘Sektion Natürliche Fertilität’ of the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Fortpflanzungsmedizin e.V.’ in collaboration with the departments of Gynaecology of Flemish universities presents the results of new scientific studies on several topics about FAM. The congress offers also a forum for discussing and integrating new medical and psycho-social scientific insights in fertility knowledge and experience.
University experts from Europe and the US will participate in the debates. Special attention is paid to a forum for young scientists. And so, this congress is an opportunity for young doctors, academics, scientists, and FAM teachers to network and secure the future in a unique international context.
A preliminary meeting can be organized on Thursday.
More information: Pierre Hernalsteen + 32 3 455 16 97 or info@nfp.be
Provisional program
8.30 Welcome
9.00 Official opening
9.30 Scientific basis of Fertility Awareness-based Methods (FAM)
9.45 Treatment of infertility and FAM
10.00 Socio-psychologic aspects of FAM
10.15 Testimonies
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Session 1: Effectiveness of FAM
Session 4: FAM and health care professionals
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Session 2: Irregular cycles and FAM postpartum
Session 5: Fertility Education for Youth
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 Session 3: Meeting Young Scientists
Session 6: Cycle apps and New Technologies
17.00 Round Table
17.55 Final conclusion
18.00 End of the day
Scientific information
The scientific program includes the invited lectures and the free communications. The official languages are English and Dutch.
A Slide Centre, where the speakers can check their presentations, is available in the congress area. Powerpoint presentations should be at the Slide Centre at least 30 minutes before the start of each session. For previous Dutch translation of the slides, contact the congress secretary at least at July 1st before the congress.
Wetenschappelijke informatie
Het wetenschappelijke programma omvat de uitgenodigde lezingen en de vrije mededelingen.
De officiële talen zijn Engels en Nederlands.
Een presentatiecentrum, waar de sprekers hun presentaties kunnen
controleren, is ter plaatse beschikbaar. De Powerpointpresentaties moeten minstens 3 minuten vóór het begin van elke sessie beschikbaar zijn.
A commercial exhibition will be held in the Congress Area. There will be exhibits regarding medical and health care equipment, drugs and books.
Companies interested in participating are requested to contact the Congress Secretariat.
Een commerciële expositie is in het congrescentrum voorzien. Medische toestellen en materiaal, geneesmiddelen en voedingssupplementen evenals boeken en didactisch materiaal kunnen worden tentoongesteld.
Geïnteresseerde bedrijven worden verzocht het Congressecretariaat te contacteren.
Who should attend?
Gynaecologists, General Practitioners, Midwives, NFP teachers, Sexologists, Health Care Professionals representing Academic Institutions & Service Providers, from the public and private health sector, Adult Educators and students in these sectors. accreditation has been requested for Ob/Gyn and Ethics & Economy.
Voor wie is het congres bestemd?
Gynaecologen, huisartsen, vroedvrouwen, NFP-consulenten,
seksuologen, gezondheidswerkers, vertegenwoordigers van academische instellingen en de dienstensector, zowel de openbare als de particuliere gezondheidssector, volwassenenvormers en studenten in deze sectoren. Accreditering werd aangevraagd voor Gynaecologie/verloskunde en Ethiek & economie.
The registration fee includes:
* The scientific sessions
* Lunch and coffees
Your registration is complete after transferring the registration fee to vzw NFP-Vlaanderen, 3090 Overijse
IBAN: BE98 9793 8127 7093
with reference “name, congress 2024”.
De inschrijving omvat
* Deelname aan de wetenschappelijke sessies
* Lunch en koffie
Bevestig je registratie door het inschrijvingsgeld te storten op de rekening van vzw NFP-Vlaanderen, 3090 Overijse
IBAN: BE98 9793 8127 7093
met vermelding van “voornaam, naam, congress 2024”.
Registration fees / Inschrijvingsgeld
before / after June 30th 2024*
vóór / na 30 juni 2024*
Medical doctors/Artsen € 150 / € 200
Midwives/Vroedvrouwen € 90 / € 120
Educators/Vormingswerkers € 90 / € 120
NFP teachers/NFP-consulenten € 80 / € 100
Students/Studenten € 50 / € 70
Accepted abstracts free
* on site only cash, no credit cards are accepted
* ter plaatse enkel cash, kredietkaarten worden niet aanvaard
Here are a few suggestions for hotels in the proximity of the congress venue that offer special rates for participants at the event. (limited number of reserved rooms). Please use the instructions in the registration forms you find linked below.
Hieronder vind je enkele suggesties voor hotels in de nabijheid die speciale tarieven hanteren voor deelnemers aan het congres (beperkt aantal kamers beschikbaar). Gebruik de instructies en de formulieren in de links hieronder om te reserveren.
Heb je een vraag? Aarzel niet om ons te contacteren! Om een consultatiereeks te boeken, gebruik het formulier op de contactpagina.
NFP-Vlaanderen vzw
Ondernemingsnummer 0430 787 391
IBAN: BE98 9793 8127 7093
vzw NFP-Vlaanderen, 3090 Overijse
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